Our mission is not to sell awesome ping pong tables (it just so happens we do), but for you to use Killerspin table tennis products to connect with people who matter to you. We want you to have fun and create beautiful memories together. Chances are you’re not doing that as much as you would love to.
Does this sound right? You work long hours and you’re often stressed by the barrage of projects and approaching deadlines coming at you? Welcome to the club. That’s why we came up with these time-saving tips in order to help you work smarter and save time for what really matters.
Don't multitask: Do one thing at a time
Many people continue to believe that being good at multitasking is a quality to aspire to. But is this really true? Not exactly.
Doing several things at once can make you feel like a big shot but in reality it just kills your concertation and lowers efficiency. Research has shown that multitaskers have trouble organizing their thoughts and filtering out irrelevant information causing them to perform worse than those who like to do a single thing at a time.
Being focused and present on the task at hand is essential to being more productive. Try breaking your working hours into chunks and dedicating your undivided attention to a single task at a time. No distraction. No task switching. At the end of the day, your only task will be to decide where to spend the valuable time and energy you saved.

Set deadlines to work smarter
A task without a deadline sounds great. Finally, no pressure, you can take all the time in the world to make it perfect, right? But if you think about it, these tasks often end up haunting your to-do list for ages, never getting finished.
Turns out that the right amount of pressure and a realistic deadline is just what we need to push us forward and kick procrastination out of our lives. So make sure your important to-dos always have a specific “to be completed by” date. Aside from making you more focused and efficient, meeting these self-imposed deadlines will also give you a great feeling of achievement.
And remember, doing is better than perfect. Expectations to do things perfectly can be stifling.
Learn how to say no – to the right people
At the start of your career, taking on new responsabilities is a great way to grow. But don’t make this a habit at work. Because, at the end of the day, you will have to say no to someone, whether your boss or your close friends and family members. The choice is yours.
Here’s another piece of advice: don’t be afraid to delegate. If a task can be done 80% as good by someone else, let them do it. It will give you extra time to focus on more important things. Just describe the task and deadline, explain it to the person who will perform it and ask to be kept informed. Simple as that.

Your time is your only cash, spend it wisely
More work hours don’t actually mean more productivity. If you set smart goals, make a plan and stick to it, you could end up having more time to relax and enjoy some quality time with your loved ones. And playing ping pong together might just be one of the best ways to do that.
Wouldn’t it be great if you could fit some more UnPlugNPlay time in your daily life? Exchange some more ping pong rallies, share some laughs and a bit of healthy competition with your friends and family. There’s no guarantee who’s going to win the table tennis match, but one thing’s for sure – in this game, there are no losers.