How often during the workday do we find ourselves thinking that we need a break? Not just a walk to the kitchen and grab some coffee to stretch legs, but a real break - a break which can clear our heads, get our blood flowing, chat about some non-business related topics and laugh a bit. Or haven’t we all been wishing to find a way to make those meeting less stressful but more productive?
Indeed it is possible with a table tennis table at work!
Ping Pong in the Workplace
Most of us have tried to go to the gym before work or during our lunch break, but time, energy and schedules can make that difficult. All of these obstacles deter our exercise plans and we end up feeling guilty for not being active. Our brains start to complain internally and it effects our overall thinking process and well-being.
This lack of exercise and guilt can make even the most common activities stressful. We're punishing our own brains and bodies not being able to hold ourselves accountable for bettering our health.
Insert Table Tennis in the Workplace
What if all we needed to do is to pick up a paddle from our desks and ask one of our colleagues for a game of ping pong? What if our boss invites us to his office, but reminds us not to forget our paddle? Wouldn’t that be great?
Table tennis is proven to be a perfect compliment to our busy-bee lives and work schedules. Companies around the globe from start-ups to large financial institutions are utilizing table tennis as not only a cultural jump-start, but as an aerobic activity that can give employees the exercise they need and get the "juices flowing" - eliminating that awful guilt of not being able to balance our work lives and our health.
Table Tennis Benefits in the Workplace
- Increases concentration and alertness
- Stimulates brain function
- Develops tactical thinking skills
- Develops hand/ eye coordination for a sharper mind
- Provides aerobic exercise
- Provides social and recreational interaction
Doesn’t this sound like a perfect engaging activity during our hectic workday that we all sometimes need? When we’re out of innovative ideas or we just want to talk about last night’s big game and not think about work, a perfect place for brainstorming or small talk is on a table tennis table.
Table tennis is a safe and cost-effective way to relieve stress. Instead of taking it out on the keyboard, hit a few balls! You’ll feel refreshed, relaxed and ready to make the best out of the rest of your day. Not to mention how many people you’ll meet - people you’ve walked past every day and wondered who they are. Nothing can stop you from playing and improving as the days go by, it doesn’t matter if you haven’t played since high school or never played before, if you’re an athletic type or not, everyone in the workplace can benefit from table tennis.
Are You the Boss?
And as an idea for the business leaders and managers out there, turn your conference room into a table tennis meeting room! When the room is not in use for discussing an agenda, offer your co-workers a place to take a short but active break. You'll be surprised what you hear when workplace stress and barriers are broken down. Many business leaders even use table tennis for "playing meetings," to take employee relationships to the next level and create a relaxed environment to spur creative thinking. It’s a proven team building tactic and all you need is some space and a ping pong table!
Just check out this Killerspin video, and you’ll be totally in love with the idea - if you aren’t already ;)
#TableTennis #PingPong