Playground Offices Increase Productivity

Playground Offices Increase Productivity

New economy is bringing new rules and companies are starting more and more to understand the importance of hiring highly skilled and educated employees. But how to attract the people who are well aware of their importance and value?! The answer is elaborate and goes way beyond money. The X and Y generations are looking for more than just flashy titles and dental insurance. They are looking for purpose, they want to believe in the mission of the company and managers leading it. And they want to enjoy their time at the office. New generations are well aware that job is a huge part of their life and don't want to waste that time in an unhealthy and non-fun environment.


Playground Offices Increase Productivity


New technologies are a game changer and your company needs to adapt to those new rules. So, what do you need to do in order to make your company bloom? First, and foremost, you have to hire the right people. Hire for passion and commitment first, experience second, and credentials third. You don’t want to be simply a stepping stone on an employee’s journey toward his or her own (very different) passion.


Once you hired the right people, you should communicate with them. Open door policies and transparency in decision making are proven to increase productivity. Everybody loves working for a common goal, which he or she understands and believes in.

Work hard, play hard

In the global economy we are now starting to measure who has a superior work ethic, because those are the ones who are leading in productivity. Although you may feel that games and team buildings are an efficiency killer, they are actually productivity boosters.

It all starts with the space people are working in. Years ago, scientists working in laboratories were often in underground bunkers and rarely saw their colleagues; secrecy was prized. Now innovation is prized. In cutting-edge research and academic buildings, architects try to promote as much interaction as possible. They design spaces where people from different disciplines will come together, whether in workspace or in common leisure space. Their reasoning is simple: it is this interaction that helps breed revolutionary ideas. Look at your office space and ask, "Does it promote interaction and connectivity?"


Playground Offices Increase Productivity


Office space and possibilities it offers is becoming a large part of work culture and something a company has to offer to perspective possible employees. Flexibility, entertainment, and bright colorful offices make some of the most successful companies a fun place to work. A healthy work culture leads to satisfied employees and ultimately increases productivity.

And it's not just important for hiring new talents, it's just as well important for keeping the existing employees. When employees decide to leave a company, the organisation faces an expensive loss. Not only does all of their organisational knowledge leave the company along with them, but the costs of selecting and hiring new employees, transition costs, disruption to the talent pipeline, and more are estimated to be one to three times the employee’s original salary, depending on his or her level of skill.


Playground Offices Increase Productivity


A positive work environment makes employees feel good about coming to work, and this provides the motivation to sustain them throughout the day.   It's not just about the new highly-educated and tech savvy generations. Even experienced employees are fed up with the office politics and corporate rat-race and  are ready to start having fun again.

If people love their work environment, then they are calm, stress-free and happy. And happy people are more likely to be productive. Their mental attitude produces increased oxygen, endorphins, and blood flow to the brain, which enables them to think more clearly and creatively. Laughter creates a bond that brings others together; people like to be with employees who are having fun. Attracting customers is easier in an environment of hospitality. A fun workplace is not only more productive, but it also attracts people and profits.

There are plenty of ways to improve workplace culture and one of them is encouraging people to#UnPlugNPlay. Table tennis can bring you and your employees health & wealth benefits you didn't even thought of.


Playground Offices Increase Productivity


We've already established the wealth benefits. Fun work environment equals more productivity, which leads to more profit.

As for the health benefits, they are obvious as well. Most of the office employees tend to sit all day and after a while their concentration goes down, they feel lifeless and tired. And when you feel tired, washed-out and completely out of focus, that means your body is trying to tell you something. It usually means that you need to take a break. Instead of using that break to run off to the nearest fast food restaurant or scroll endlessly through their Facebook timeline, your employees and you as well can go and  #UnPlugNPlay.


Playground Offices Increase Productivity


Table tennis is safe and cost-effective way to reduce stress in the work environment. And here is another idea: turn your conference room into a table tennis meeting room! When the room is not in use for discussing an agenda, offer your co-workers a place to take a short but active break. You'll be surprised what you hear when workplace stress and barriers are broken down.

Many business leaders even use table tennis for "playing meetings," to take employee relationships to the next level and create a relaxed environment to spur creative thinking. It’s a proven team building tactic and all you need is some space and a ping pong table!


Playground Offices Increase Productivity